The star Indian off-spinner Harbhajan Singh feels he is still fit to play the shortest format of the game despite his age. The bowler, who will be turning 40 in July, said that he has experience and can add value to the Indian T20 side.
According to a report by ESPNcricinfo, the spinner wizard said, playing IPL and performing well in the tournament backs his case. He added in his statement that if one can bowl and do well in IPL, he should be considered for selection in international side.
No consideration despite IPL success hurts
Speaking with ESPNcricinfo, Harbhajan opened up on selector’s ignorance towards him.
“They will not look at me because they feel I am too old,” he said. “Also I don’t play any domestic cricket. [In the] Last four-five years they did not look at me even though I was doing well in the IPL, taking wickets and I had all my records to back my case,” Harbhajan was quoted by ESPNcricinfo.
He added that this ignorance of not getting even considered despite the IPL success hurts him.
IPL is a tough tournament for bowlers
Backing his case, the ace spinner further said, from a bowler’s point of view, IPL is more tough and competitive for bowlers. In international cricket not all teams have quality players like IPL teams, Harbhajan added while maintaining that some of the international teams like India, Australia and England have quality set up.
“Yes, Australia, England, India have all got very good batting line-ups. But if I can get Johnny Bairstow and David Warner in IPL, don’t you think I can get them in international cricket? But it is not in my hands. No one comes and talk to you in this present Indian set-up,” Harbhajan expressed his pain.
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